What is the authority for the rule of law? Where does that authority get its validity from? Is the rule the property of your nation within its borders? Do you in fact have the right to own your property, if so under what authority? What rights do those who do not respect your nations law have, are they the same rights as you? If so why do we have law, jails, police, judicial systems and borders?

The authority for the rule of law originates with people’s belief in God or gods or fear from a dominate power in all cases… Kings, emperors, dictators and democracies are based on a higher authority. The authority is always based on the willing support of the majority to support the authority.

Kings authority comes directly from god. Emperor’s authority comes from gods. Dictator’s authority come form fear of those in his grasp of power. Democracies authority comes from the majority of the culture believing their culture is superior and just to those they stole the land from.

Under the rule of law no lawful government could exist because it is unlawful to steal land. If the law is to be valid law then those who were displaced could and should sue to have their land restored to them.

Under what authority does any citizen of any country have to state by law they own property within the nation where they live? One can only conclude that each individual within the culture that makes up a nation’s citizens consider themselves superior to the rule of law and truly base their rights on superior God, power, or race/culture. The United Nations states International Law has ruled that Israel should return lands of other people to those people even though the nation of Israel gained these lands by defeating Arab armies as the US defeated Indian and Mexican armies.

The debate is to justify the authority which supports your rights under the rule of law.

If you support open borders explain why a person from outside your border could not enter your nation illegally and demand your house, car and all of your belongings equally to demanding your country.