I have 2 boy's 11 and 9. I swear all these 2 do is fight and argue constantly. Name calling, hitting, breaking their toys arguing over the silliest crap I have ever heard in my life. I swear if one of them said the sky was blue the other wold argue that it was a different color. They fight over everything! They have gotten disrespectful towards me and my husband and just not listening at all.

So last night when they got home from basketball practice they were in for a big shock!

While they were at basketball practice my husband and I cleaned all of the toy's out of their rooms including the game cube and play station and locked them all up in storage.

When they returned we sat them down and explained to them what we did and why we did it.

they were then told that these were the main rules they were absolutely not allowed to break.

1. No hitting
2. No arguing
3. No back talking
4. No fighting (physical contact)
5. Listen when told 1st time
6. No whining

If they break these rules they get a 1 count if they reach 3 within 20 minutes they go to their room for 10 minutes, hitting is an automatic timeout. If however they do not reach a 3 in 20 minutes it will start over.

I also told them as their behavior changes and they are following the rules set I will start giving them their things back but until then it is mine.

No I do not believe in spanking. why? Because once they get the spanking that's it, it is over. This way they have to earn their things back with good behavior.

They probably hate me right now!