Need proof iran is supplying arms to insurgents?

Sniper rifles made in Austria and sold to Iran have ended up in the hands of Iraqi insurgents. The Telegraph reports more than 100 of these sniper rifles that are capable of firing armor piercing rounds were found by the United States military during raids on insurgent compounds.

The Austrian company Steyr-Mannlicher legally sold Iran 800 of these rifles, meaning the very existence of these rifles in insurgent hands is rock-solid proof Iran is arming insurgents in Iraq no matter how many times Iran wishes to deny this.

Within 45 days of the first HS50 Steyr Mannlicher rifles arriving in Iran, an American officer in an armoured vehicle was shot dead by an Iraqi insurgent using the weapon.

The exportation of the rifles by Iran is a deliberate act to not just kill Coalition soldiers in Iraq, but the mere fact the original Steyr-Mannlicher sale to Iran was condemned by the United States demonstrates Iran knew full well when these rifles were found in the hands of insurgents there would be an immediate and deliberate link to Iran. The American objection to the sale was the concern the rifles would end up in the hands of insurgents, which is exactly what has happened.

Meanwhile, Con Coughlin of the Telegraph reports “ever since the US-led military coalition invaded Iraq in March 2003 to overthrow Saddam Hussein’s regime, the Islamic hard-liners who govern Iran have been determined to ensure the mission ends in failure.”

This while ABC News’ Diane Sawyer interviews Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who denies anything and everything that has been alleged. Sawyer also missed out on several other important questions and either refused to follow up Ahmadinejad’s answers with facts or simply didn’t know enough to question the Iranian leader, according to Iranian ex-pat Kash.