Quote Originally Posted by dmp View Post
Nobody cares about you Gabby. You seem to HATE seeing anything positive about our Military - conversely, you seem to get a little 'excited' to learn of their hard-times or deaths.
You should talk. War enthusiasts are the ones who support the continued carnage in Iraq. The blood is ALWAYS on your hands. You wrap yourselves in the flag and purport to support the troops, when you don't really care if they live or die. Your hatred for those whom you refuse to understand compels you to support their deaths. And if it cost the deaths of Americans, so be it. You support the aggression of an American commander in chief who is as much of a terrorist and mass murderer as any Islamic leader. It's all one-sided in your opinion. You are the ones who get excited about military hard times and deaths. As long as it leads to other deaths.

Quote Originally Posted by typomaniac View Post
Even if that's totally true, it's an abuse of power for a mod to say it publicly.
Quote Originally Posted by Yurt View Post
that is the most obtuse thing I have ever read. so a mod can't post opinions or facts?
The abuse is that mods can question the opinions of other posters, but posters can't question the opinions of mods. A mod can tell me that I am a fucked up liberal who full of vile hatred. But if I reply in kind, I am banned for it. Regular members can be flamed by mods (and have been, primarily in the bogus "rep comments"). Mods can't be flamed by members.

Conservative Bush apologists needs to stand up and admit that the dude is fucked. The illegal invasion was fucked. The photo op destruction of Saddam's statue was fucked. The moronic aircraft carrier "mission accomplish" bullshit was fucked. The fake turkey in front of the chosen audience was fucked. The death and torture camps are fucked.
And if you support all of it, you are personally fucked up. And you will never be able to wash the blood of almost 4,000 dead Americans off your hands.