Quote Originally Posted by Immanuel View Post
You don't have to be on a jury to convict someone. You have proven yourself to be biased against conservatives time and time again. In this case, since the individuals who have been accused of wrong doing are part of the Republican Administration you seem to find it "certain" that they are guilty, yet if this had been 10 years ago you would have sluffed it off.

Also, the man you let go, was probably some liberal snob like you that threatened a Republican. You have made it perfectly clear that you believe only Democrats and Liberals are saints. Anytime a Republican is accused, you are ready to send him to the gallows.

So, time for you to put your dancing shoes on.

As I said earlier, I believe this is a coverup, I didin't read the link, I heard the story on the news and I think there is something fishy about this. The difference between you and me is that I only think there is something fishy, you are convinced that you know everything and these guys ought to hang.

i suppose you think you are being ''cute'' or something in that nature here Immie....? like trying to score some sort of brown nosing points with your new found friends and to cover for your own posts and your own actions which came off much stronger in spreading the guilty conviction than mine ever did?

so, let's review the facts and expose you as the tapdancer at best and born liar at worst, that you are and always have been....

================================================== =

my first post answered psycho's statement/question which was this:

Just how is all this destruction of factual documentation and evidence of practises approved by the United States Of America government in any way in keeping with the values of the general citizenry of the United States Of America?
so, after reading the link he provided, i responded with this:

It isn't, in my opinion, any kind of "a value trait" of the USA citizenry at all, AND should NOT be tollerated.

I am sick and tired of the "lawlessness" of our leaders and agencies and those that we pay with out tax dollars. Being above the Law, is unacceptable and something HAS TO BE DONE to stop this kind of crud.

The repubs and dems don't have the fortitude to do anything about these lawless things and that is wrong imo.

NOTE, right there proves you to be a liar in your two posts above referring to me.

so let's review what you said:

{sarcasm on}

I'm sure this was only done for the safety of the interrogators. I am convinced that there was no intention to destory evidence or to hide improprieties.

{Sarcasm off}

seems to me that YOU were the one convicting, (your term, not mine) people of hiding improprieties, and destroying the evidence of such, no?

so then, in response to Dillo's comment to psycho, you said this:

No doubt, but trusting everything a politician says is foolhardy. Sure, there is no proof that they destroyed evidence of wrongdoing, but to believe they only did this for the safety of the agents is... well... foolhardy.

which also sounds pretty condemning of people in the CIA to me, though i am not quite certain why you refer to them as politicians because i thought the CIA was suppose to be made up of nonpartisans?

then in response to dillo again, you stated this:

I didn't trust anyone's assessment in this. My first thought when I heard about this last night was that there was something fishy about this. Call me a cynic, but I have completely lost trust in the men and women who "serve" this country as politicians. Maybe someday they can regain my trust, but for now everything they say is highly suspect to me.

I realize the announcement is about the CIA and technically not a political announcement, but this will all eventually point at the political heads of our government.

which sort of explained what you meant regarding politicians, vs the CIA because according to you, ''this will all eventually point at the political heads of our government.''

AGAIN, this is YOU saying this crap, NOT ME.

so then i sarcastically asked dillo, not you this:

And what might be your conjecture or speculation on why they destroyed these tapes? (Their office was cold and they needed to burn the tapes to heat it?)

Does one just sit back and not use any reasoning or logical speculation in situations like this and allow it to just "disappear from sight and mind" or "sweep it under the rug" because we don't know for certain or does one TRY to get to the bottom of it through investigations of such?

and you then responded to a portion of this question/statement in bold right above with this response:

No, my speculation is that they did this to hide their crimes and the crimes of their superiors. However, I don't have the facts and unlike you and TM, I do not believe that people should be convicted based upon speculation.

At this point you decided to LIE and accuse me of things I never said or did, which i just underlined above.... they were things that YOU WERE DOING, but not me, with any of my statements or opinions posted did i convict anyone of destroying the tapes because of ''wrong doing''.

so i responded to you, saying this:

strawman....you are losing your mind.... I have never convicted anyone, even the one jury that I served on, I found the young man innocent!!!!

Try again, mr. sarcasm on/off! you need more tap dancing lessons!!!

btw, did you read the full article? i presume NOT.


so, i suppose you were trying to once again, cover your own tracts and deflect attention from yourself for your own words and lied again, with saying this hateful statement in the quote above that i am responding to now.

It's marvelous, that you can be exposed to your not so tactful lies imo, just by reposting what you have posted thus far!!! You spewed a bunch of garbage!

It's fantastic that it can be shown what a lovely person you are...

