Hummm? what do ya think...conspiracy or not..

The smoking gun...
How Environmentalists Intend to Rule the World
By Ron Arnold

Critics have long believed environmentalists were planning global domination.

The problem with making a credible case against such an ambitious plan was simple: no environmental leader had published one.

Yet conflicts over global warming, world trade, multinational corporations, population control, sustainable futures, and transnational government left little doubt that environmentalists in fact shared the unspoken aim of wielding supreme power over a green future. But there was no proof.

For years, critics, lacking hard evidence, were reduced to piecing together a jigsaw puzzle of suspicious environmentalist actions - funding from huge charitable trusts, ties to the broader "progressive" community, and dissemination of concepts hostile to American democracy - in hopes that the emerging picture would reveal a dictatorial smoking gun. Results ranged from isolated case studies to pathetic conspiracy theories. They missed the mark because there was no visible mark to hit.

All that changed March 14, 2002.

On that date, Randall Hayes, president of the radical Rainforest Action Network, presented a paper at the Johns Hopkins 2002 Symposium on Foreign Affairs in Baltimore, Maryland. Its title was Restructuring the Global Economy: Eradicating Bretton Woods and Creating New Institutions.

It's the smoking gun.

Restructuring the Global Economy is a detailed roadmap to a green future ruled by radical elites from new command structures to be created in the United Nations. It is not an insignificant personal quirk of Randy Hayes individually. It is, he tells us, the result of his participation in a think-tank called the International Forum on Globalization (IFOG).

IFOG itself turns out to be an assortment of some 60 anti-capitalist organizations and intellectuals from 25 nations who have been assembling pieces of the roadmap since the mid-1990s, some much earlier.

About the time Hayes made his presentation, IFOG released a document titled, A Better World Is Possible: Alternatives to Economic Globalization. It was characterized as the "Summary of an Upcoming Report by the Alternatives Committee of the International Forum on Globalization." The 18-member drafting committee included Hayes. The committee's document is the source of Hayes' shorter, more concise Restructuring the Global Economy.

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