Quote Originally Posted by manu1959 View Post
are you pro free market when it comes to health care and sub prime loans....
Are you?

do you think loan sharks and usery should be allowed with no penalty? do you think money should just be printed by anyone or any state?

do you think doctors should not have to be licenced and require no education and anyone should be allowed to to cut you open? do you think that abortions should be allowed with no restrictions up to the delivery point? do you think any medicine should be on the shelves, harmful or not, with no regulations?


I SAID, i think it is wrong for the government to interphere with the free market in this case....

the government is not protecting the citizen, in this case, whereas with healthcare and banking, regulations are there to protect the citizen....though i do feel in some instances it is over regulated, i feel it is a necessity for some regulations.

In this case, the government is picking one businessman over the next businessman and favoring them.
