Here is one for TM.

NEW YORK - Federal authorities subpoenaed financial records and employees in an apparent probe of the Rev. Al Sharpton's 2004 presidential bid, nonprofit civil rights group and for-profit businesses, newspapers reported Thursday.

As many as 10 Sharpton associates were subpoenaed Wednesday to testify before a federal grand jury in Brooklyn on Dec. 26, his lawyer told the Daily News.

"Here we go again," Sharpton, whose various ventures have come under scrutiny before, told the New York Post. "Whatever it is, it's part of the territory. I'm a public figure."
Of course, we all know Al didn't do anything wrong. He is after all a Democrat. I love what he had to say about this. "Whatever it is, it's part of the territory. I'm a public figure." Bah!

I don't know if he did anything wrong or not. He is right that as a public figure, people are out to get him but what really sucks about this whole matter is check out the date that these employees have to appear before the Grand Jury! December 26th what the hell is wrong with the courts? How many of these people (many of whom are probably nothing more than witnesses who will help the courts in the first place) are on vacation that week and visiting family? Could not the courts have waited until after the holidays?
