Knowing what we know about New Orleans, it's geography, the fact that on Mardi Gras day they pack a million people downtown(a high percentage drunk), the proximity of the Mississippi River to downtown....would any of you even consider going.

I was speaking to a friend last night and discussing just how vulnerable it is to an attack that could easily be the biggest disaster imaginable, a disaster that would make Katrina a meaningless joke.

30 years ago, standing in Jackson Square, looking towards the Mississippi and seeing three quarters of a very large ship going by I realized just how bad of a position I was in. I was looking up at a ship that was way above my head, at the very least twenty - thirty feet, I decided then I would never go back. Now, when very evil people look for targets that would be seen by the world and do as much damage as possible with one act, Mardi Gras in New Orleans seems too perfect.

I hope that this isn't something that happens but it is definitely a chance I would never think of taking.