What do ya think. This makes sense to me.

The Complete Newspeak Dictionary from George Orwell's 1984

Cowardly Act - The president called the 9-11 attacks cowardly. Let's take a quick look at the definition of 'Cowardly'.

cowardly \Cow"ard*ly\, a. 1. Wanting courage; basely or weakly timid or fearful; pusillanimous; spiritless.
"The cowardly rascals that ran from the battle." --Shak.
2. Proceeding from fear of danger or other consequences
Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.

When somebody plants a bomb, then proceeds to put as much distance between himself and that bomb as possible, it is permissible to call that person a 'coward'. (Although the term that I would most likely use is 'smart') However, you cannot - if you wish to use the English language correctly - say the same of a suicide bomber. It takes a lot of balls to do what these guys did. You may call this attack a lot of things, but taking control of an 'enemy' plane and smashing it into a skyscraper -- sacrificing your own life to defend your ideas -- can not under any circumstances be considered 'cowardly'. Fanatical?... yes. Suicidal?... Yes. Horrendous?... yes. Cowardly?... No way. Our enemies may be a lot of things, but cowards they are not.

Attack on Freedom - People that use this phrasing are probably simply regurgitating the words used in some of America's previous wars. When Nazi Germany attacked a country, the subjugated people lost many of their freedoms. When the U.S. joined WWII, we did so to prevent the same thing from happening to us. Had the Nazi’s conquered all of Europe, they would have undoubtedly turned their attention towards us, and the freedoms we cherished would have been threatened. So, when you are describing WWII, it is correct to say that we were 'Defending our freedom'.

In this war, it is America that is the occupying force. We are the ones with troops stationed oversees, and it is the Muslims which are fighting for their 'freedom' - freedom to practice their religion without interference from the outside world. So if anybody is attacking anybody's 'freedom' it is us. The attack on the World Trade Center was an attack on American Capitalism and Multi-Nationalism. These are the ideas were are defending. We Americans need to understand that and stop pretending to be so god-damned 'holier-than-thou'.

America is not under threat of invasion. The Arabs are not trying to conquer our land - they only want to remove our influence from their land. But unfortunately, our way of life - the high standard of living we all enjoy - rests entirely on the flow of oil from the Middle East. It is imperative that this oil continues to flow. And to make sure that it does, it is necessary for the U.S. to keep troops stationed in this highly volatile area in order to maintain order... or at least try to maintain order. But of course, our presence in the Middle East upsets some Arabs -- Just as the US was upset when the Soviets wanted to put a few missiles down in Cuba. Just as we would be upset at the Canadians if they allowed Iraq to build a base on North America.

Oil is why America must maintain a presence in the Middle East. Although this presence is not without its costs, the alternatives would end up costing more in the long term. It is imperative that America continues to collect oil from their lands, no matter how much they whine about it. And to me, whether the Arabs live on top of that land or not is irrelevant. But unfortunately, genocide is probably not one of the options on the table.

In any case, the recent attack - in and of itself - was not an attack on our freedom. We are not under any threat on invasion (unless you consider immigration by Arabs to be the same thing as invasion). The only group that can attack our freedoms is our own government. And you can expect scores of new security regulations to be precipitated by these attacks. Our government wants to do everything it can to 'prevent this from happening again' - which will most likely result in laws that erode our constitution rights. But even so, the attacks themselves were not an attack on 'Freedom'.

You can call these attacks many things. An attack on human life?... yes. An attack on America's way of life?... Yes. An attack on America's symbols (capitalism, Military Strength, and a failed attack on our leadership)?... Yes. An attack on Freedom?... Not necessarily. Sure... if we didn't have oil we would loose our ability support the high standard of living we have now, but that is not the same as loosing of constitutionally guaranteed freedoms. Whether or not this attack succeeds in destroying our Freedom is entirely up to us - and our politicians.

But our politicians aren't interested in keeping us free, they only want to keep us safe.