Where would I go if I wanted to make suggestion that in my opinion would improve the forum?

Well I suppose I'll just make my suggestion known now. This forum has too many sub forums. I think you guys could consolidate them and significantly increase the efficiency with which people read the site and increase traffic...

For instance, why can't humor be in the lounge? Is humor not also considered fun chat?

I think one off topic lounge would be the best. Have all the food, music, movies, humor, etc. all in one forum. I've seen a similar site where this is the case and it's MUCH easier to use. I'd recommend consolidating the political boards as well. Of course you wouldn't have to consolidate it into one but maybe you could group it into just 3 or 4 at most.

1. Foreign affairs
2. Domestic affairs (this would include economics)
3. Philosophical/Religious/Idealistic Debates

I know not everyone likes change and a few people might not like this idea but I seriously think that most of you would come to enjoy these changes if they did occur. Having too many sub forums makes it take much longer to browse the topics and often topics don't get replied to for this reason. Who has the time to check EVERY single forum here? I know I don't.

Thanks for considering my ideas (hopefully)