Quote Originally Posted by mrskurtsprincess View Post
Now this is just the dumbest thing I've read in the last century.

Who gives a hairy rats ass what other countries call themselves .........Oooops!! Forgot, the LIBS DO. It's "scandalous" to have national pride........we must level bring ourselves down (Hilary humility) to the level of the remainder of the world and quit calling ourselves "Americans" for criminy sakes!

Haggie .... you never let me down when it comes to proving liberals are stuck in a "group think" mindset.
The country's name is the UNITED STATES. America is the continent we live on. And there are other countries living on it too. You're comments claiming not to "care" what other countries think or say is indicative of the decline in class and education that is slowly eating away at the fabric of our society. It's foolish, manifest destiny bullsh*t to call the country "Americuh." And it makes you sound like a hillbilly. Laugh all you want and call me wrong all you want, but it won't change the fact that you all sound like hillbillies.