Killer Chimps Make Spears, Hunt Bushbabies
Thursday, February 22, 2007
By Charles Q. Choi

Chimpanzees are capable of making spears to hunt other primates and have been seen using the weapons to apparently kill bushbabies for meat, scientists announced today.

The researchers based their findings on observations of omnivorous chimpanzees that dwell in savannahs similar to those from which humanity's ancestors are thought to have emerged.,2933,253810,00.html


Now, if one believes that man evolved from apes, then what you have here is a direct threat to the human species' status as the most evolved on the planet. I mean, it wasn't but about 2 million years ago that humans (supposedly) learned to make tools and hunt. Therefore, in order to maintain human superiority on earth, we should move to destroy these chimpanzees immediately.