Quote Originally Posted by OCA View Post
So what actions are these that fail to comport with the teachings of Christ? And being a Buddhist do you think you are qualified to sit in judgement of those actions or inactions? I mean I don't know shit about Sikhs so I don't think I would be qualified to comment on their religion or any follower of their religion.
How's about launching a war of aggression against a nation that posed no credible threat to America or her allies for starters? As a former Christian, and later a Buddhist, there are certain common threads that run through both ans well as the rest of the world's religions. It presents no problem, then to judge the actions of another who professes a different faith. Unless, of course, you're a moral relativist.

Quote Originally Posted by OCA View Post
Yes, I do think you are qualified to speak on the man's hypocricies....being a hypocrite yourself.
Sticks and stones, old son.

Quote Originally Posted by OCA View Post
Sure, that is why you take every opportunity to bash him on every subject imagineable. I'm not saying that he doesn't deserve some bashing on some things but you are obsessed, admit it.
Obsessed...? Hardly. I spend my days with much more important issues like patient care, my wife, my home. Bush rates somewhere around the level of toe jam or belly-button lint.