I've had many complaints about users abusing the system to share points with one another, or to attack a particular member. Some have engaged in repping 8-10 members in a matter of minutes simply so they can get back to another member a second time.

I've went through the comments over the past week and it's ridiculous how some are using this system. It's a system for sending someone a positive rep if they write a great post, or sending them a negative rep if they write something as a "troll", or become personal with another. It's not there so you can rep someone with "hahahahaha" or "hey dude" or "how are you?" You also shouldn't be giving out 20 separate reps in a 25 minute span!

I will be randomly going through the rep system and this will be corrected. Anyone found to be abusing the system will only have points removed from their count as well as from those they are playing their little games with. So use the system properly, or risk signing on one day and finding a drastic difference in your total count.