Quote Originally Posted by LiberalNation View Post
We scheduled for next years classes today. They changed a lot of stuff, now you don't get to pick between regular, honors, and AP classes the consolers do that by looking at your grades and test scores. You don't get a choice. The assholes have me slotted for honors English 4 instead of regular. I find this very annoying because English isn't one of my better subjects. I made A's in the classes two years in a role only because the classes were easy. They are gona go and cause me way more work to keep my all A's and B's with this crap next year. What bull. I wouldn’t have done so well on those standardized tests if I knew they were going to do this to me for it.
I understand where you're coming from, to an extent. When I got out of HS and went to my first college in NJ, they wouldn't allow me to take the computer science courses I applied for. I feel since I'm paying, I should have the right to go to the courses I choose. If I fail, it's my own damn fault. Then again, they're the educational system and likely know more about what's best for our future education than us. I'm sure they have the students best interest in mind when deciding the proper avenue for courses.

Or just do what I do, leave college and enter a school that gears their courses directly at your field of study. I went to Cittone institute after my first college to get a direct education in computers so that I could start making the dough quicker! Unfortunately, the system knew best, and I ended up going to St. Johns a few years later!