For those who consider themselves conservatives and/or Republicans:

Here's the stand on the issues of a current Presidential candidate. Would you vote for him?

(Sorry this is a bit long.)
Limited Government- run the federal government with one overriding goal- protect the dignity, rights, liberty and freedom of the individual.

States' Rights- I support restoring the constitution, getting the federal government out of our lives, and solving problems at the most local level possible.

I will NOT raise tax rates- PERIOD!

I support drastically reduced & simplified federal taxes (flat tax).

I support the elimination of death taxes.

I support dramatically reduced government spending.

I support cutting, shrinking and/or streamlining entire departments of the federal government- departments that based on the Constitution are not under federal jurisdiction.

I support dramatically reduced government entitlement programs.

I support dramatically reduced corporate welfare.

I support a balanced budget- to accomplish this goal, I pledge to cap discretionary federal spending (other than monies dedicated to military spending and war on terror).

I support an immediate end to Affirmative action in awarding government contracts. This is reverse racism- PERIOD.

I support a Free Market economy- Plain and simple, capitalism works. When government gets involved it creates distortion, dysfunction and disaster. I support free enterprise, reduced government regulation, and tax relief for entrepreneurs and small business., as well as personal responsibility for the individual.

I support the total elimination of the Department of Education on the federal level.

I support a Free Market health care system- Let's get the federal government out of the health care business and leave it up to individuals.

I support overturning McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform- it is a violation of our First Amendment rights to free speech.

I do support campaign reform in the form of mandatory term limits for all elected officials.

I support Voting ballots in English-only.

I support the rights of citizens to bear arms. I believe in the Second Amendment- the right of Americans to keep and bear arms.

Drastically reduced foreign aid- stop funding countries that aren't our friends- utilize the carrot vs. stick.

I support greater oversight of government spending and Pentagon spending.

I support greater accountability and transparency at the United Nations. We must demand a cut in spending, waste, fraud and abuse of U.N. funds.

End warrantless wiretaps immediately

I oppose Eminent Domain by government

End the pointless (and expensive) prosecution of victimless crimes- end the police state/Big Brother.

The war on drugs is a failure- this is one of the biggest wastes of taxpayer money. Let's start with legalization of medicinal marijuana- this is a states' rights issue.

I oppose censorship and federal interference in the entertainment business-I support freedom of expression and oppose government censorship and over-regulation of entertainment, communications, media or technology.

I oppose a National ID card for Americans.

I stand strongly for Free Market Healthcare. I will protect American consumer's rights and freedoms to choose holistic, natural, alternative health care products and services.

I believe abortion is a matter of personal choice and not intended for federal government intervention. Let's get the federal government out of a woman's right to choose what to do with their own body- this will prevent the death of innocent women at the hands of butchers in back-alleys. BUT I also support common sense limitations on abortion- no late term or partial birth abortion (unless a mother's life is endangered) federal funding of abortion...and I support Parental Notification for underage girls.

I support gay rights and civil unions. Gay marriage however is not a federal issue. It is a states' rights issue only.

I support stem cell research- it is not government's job to stop valuable and critical medical research on disease based on extreme religious views.

I believe in school prayer, God in our pledge of allegiance and on our currency. To remove these religious symbols would be to deny the rights and freedoms of religious Americans.

Illegal Immigration- I support securing our borders. We must first secure our borders to control the entry into our country of foreigners who pose a threat to the security, health, property or economic well-being of Americans.

I support making it easier for LEGAL immigrants with education & high tech skills to work legally in the USA.

I oppose public funding and entitlements for illegal aliens. But I support providing a "Path to Citizenship" for 12 million illegal immigrants already here.