Quote Originally Posted by Abbey View Post
That makes perfect sense, but it doesn't really explain why he continued to be soft, even into his second term as President.
For the same reason there's a group of people out there who are soft on the issue. Usually, it's the people who don't have to suffer the consquences of their actions who are most for something like this. Bush has his money and is set for life. People like that can afford to be magnanimous. They don't have to live on the West or South sides of San Antonio. Their health care is covered, if they get hit by an uninsured motorist they can pay cash for the fix, if their car is ripped off and taken across the border and chopped, they can just go buy a new one out of petty cash, and they send the butler to the grocery store.

They don't suffer the effects of overburdened social and financial infrastructure.