President Bush has now done what Democrats have been demanding of him for years. But are they satisfied? Of course not.

They make sure of that by forever moving the goal posts.

Democrats have constantly complained that President Bush never admits mistakes and is too stubborn and inflexible to change his strategies. But on all these counts, his speech on Iraq should give Democrats much to cheer about.

He admitted he has made mistakes in Iraq and that his policies were not working. He accepted responsibility for his failures and laid out a new strategy specifically to address and remedy them. But instead of praising him, Democrats redoubled their criticism and reaffirmed their resignation to our defeat.

How about the president's new strategy?

The press is heavily emphasizing his plan to send 21,500 more troops to Iraq, but is ignoring the other equally important aspects of the strategy.
The president intends to close several debilitating loopholes in our strategy to date. He is changing the rules of engagement and demanding the removal of restrictions on attacking Shiite militias, which have been insulated by Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.