Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
The fact that we live in an open, free society and can't even control our own borders pretty-much means we can't make it impossible for them to attack us. The attacker always has the advantage of knowing what and when and how he is going to strike. All we can do is react.

And where do we draw the line in sacrificing freedom for security. The two are pretty much mutually exclusive. You have to give up one to gain the other.

We demand our government protect us; yet, oppose allowing it the tools necessary to do so.
This is truth, and benjamin franklin even saw the fact in that when he gave this quote

"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

We can NEVER protect ourselves fully from those that would assault us, without killing the heart of what makes our country great. We have too long been living under this fear that "they" might get us.That "they" can win over us through terror.

"They" can do none of these things, because WE are united in freedom, we are, in even our worst moments of argument, more united in those areas which truly matter. On 9/11, when all of our lives were torn apart on that day, there were lines around the corner for those wanting to give blood, to such a point that they began sending people home because they couldn't take in any more blood.

When Katrina destroyed New Orleans, people gave up their lives, their homes, to go there, and to help with the rebuilding.

So here is what I say: Let them come, let them brings bombs, let them bring planes against us, let them be the monsters that they truly are, because as long as we live in freedom, they can never win. As long as one person is left in this world who believes in freedom, the United States of America will stand.