This kid is smart. I hope they catch the likely-illegal alien who is behind all this.

However, what parents name their kid after an anti-personnel mine?

Florida teen Clay Moore just wants to get back to having a normal life after being abducted for ransom by a man who may be trying to flee to Mexico, his family said Tuesday.

"We are truly proud of Clay; he did an incredible job on his own," Traci Kelle, Clay's mother, said during a press conference. "He kept his head about him. We're thankful. We're grateful he's back home with us. We believe he did the right thing."

Clay, 13, who also attended the press conference, used a safety pin he hid in his mouth to tear the tape that was over his mouth, hands and feet after his abductor left him in the woods in Manatee County, Fla.,2933,255002,00.html