Richardson to endorse Obama's White House bid: source Reuters 3/21 8:07am EDT

PORTLAND, Oregon (Reuters) - New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson endorsed Barack Obama's bid for the Democratic nomination for president, Obama's aides said on Friday, in a boost for the Illinois senator.
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Here's a surprise.

It is widely known that Bill Clinton watched the Superbowl with Bill Richardson, which has led to speculation that he is Hillary's preferred VP running mate.

So why this desertion of the Clintons? My speculation:

1. If Hillary HAS to choose Obama, that cuts out Richardson.

2. It's possible Obama has promised the VP slot to Richardson: it wouldn't be a bad ticket balancer for him, either, though there are racial issues. Or a major cabinet post, such as State.

3. The "now or never" aspect of endorsements --- Obama is in big serious trouble right now because of the racial scandal with his church. This endorsement could help Obama get traction again by distracting the public. Later might have been too late: decision time.
