name such a country

Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Israel

I do not believe we have mutual defense treaties with any of those countries. Please provide links to the text of such treaties that state that any attack on those countries is tantamount to an attack on the US.

Mathematically challenged? Hmmm..... I don't know the actual percentage nor do I really care, nor is it relevant to the fact that he tied up a lot of military assets for 13 years. If my quick guess was incorrect, so be it. I'll try to get over it.

Here's a kernel of advice: don't guess and try to pass it off as fact.

Posing a threat to ANY oil=producing nation that keeps this country functioning day-to-day IS a threat to our national interest.

so now it is about oil?

"he fact is, he not only possessed chemical weapons, but used them more than once. He was nailed AFTER (you know, with all the UN sanctions and agreements to ceasefire in place) the First Gulf War with a bio lab.

He was attempting to build a nuclear facility when the Israeli's cut that plan short."

all old news. He was doing none of those things in the spring of '03 when this president lied to us and told us that there was no doubt that Saddam had stockpiles of WMD's and scared us with talk of mushroom clouds over American cities. The much clearer and more present danger to America remains fundamentalist Islamic fanatics. and we have put THAT threat on the back burner while we flush life and limb and treasure down the shitter in Iraq

Yes, he did keep the fundies at bay, and he kept the region out of balance, being the joker sitting right in the center of the deck. and you think that keeping fundies at bay was a bad thing? YOu think that Iranian hegemony going unchecked is a good thing? You think that sunnis and shiites slaughtering each other is an even better thing?

Putting words in my mouth? I don't recall saying anything of the sort.

Please explain how keeping Islmaic extremists (our enemies...the ones who attacked us) at bay, keeps the region out of balance... how keeping Iran in check keeps the region out of balance... how keeping sunnis and shiites from killing one another keeps the region out of balance

And for ostriches like you, there never will be, no matter how long the list is.

There is good reason to use our military force to protect America..... and I served 25 years in the Navy willingly, enthusiastically acting as a part of the muscular arm of American foreign policy. I have supported many of our country's military excursions over the years...just not this one