Quote Originally Posted by manfrommaine View Post
speech is not comfort to the enemy. grow up....and quit running away from valid analogies just because the subject matter is uncomfortable to you.

Re: your question: I "advocate" nothing of the sort.

semantics? How can you claim that a likelihood can be an undeniable fact.

It is an undeniable fact that it may rain tomorrow. How stupid a grammatical construct is that????

And when will you quit running away from my points and show some balls and answer one once in a while?

Iraqis are grown ups. They do not need us to hold their hand for the next decade. Either they want democracy or they don't. If they don't...it ain't MY problem... it ain't America's problem.

Why would republicans advocate spending American treasure and spilling American blood for an undetermined amount of time on the unfounded hunch that sunnis and shiites in Iraq would decide that THIS century might be a good one to stop hating one another?
You must be drinking again. So much for having a rational discussion with you.