I know I'm now going to sound like a chronic complainer, but I can't help the run of bad luck I've had lately.

My nanny was getting ready to leave an hour ago and my sister in law was parked behind her in the driveway. My SIL had to back out, and back up about 10 yards down the road to allow for the nanny to back out and leave, so she could pull back in the driveway. While SIL was stopped waiting, a small car with a spanish woman driving pulled up behind her. She waited about 3 seconds and started honking her horn, and not a little, she laid on it and wouldn't stop. I calmly walked in front of her car and held my hand up like a stop sign asking her to wait a minute. She went to pull around my SIL and beeped at me to move, when I didn't, she put the pedal to the floor hitting my knee and I ended up on the hood of her car! She then tried to drive away with me on the hood but there were cars in the way and she couldn't. When I got of the hood she tried to leave but I stood in front of her car and told her she would leave over my dead body, and I called 911 from my cell.

End result? NO CHARGES!!! She should have been arrested on the spot for assault. They didn't have proper witnesses they say, and my SIL only saw the lady pulling around her and heard her horn but didn't see her ram into me. Nevermind the intense redness on my kneecap and the swelling, I guess I did that myself. So they filed an incident report, took all her info, and let this scumbag bitch drive away from the scene!

My head is killing me (migraine probably) and when I walk it feels like my knee is going to fall off, yet this lady gets to drive away happily.

Damn, I'm so F'n pissed right now.