I would like to say I find it amazing that they wait until the end of the article to mention that he has the support of the populace, but nothing from this printed piece of toilet paper amazes me anymore.

GUADALUPE, Ariz. – The self-proclaimed “toughest sheriff in America” has been making forays into Phoenix and nearby Guadalupe and sweeping up illegal immigrants, drawing howls of protest from the cities' mayors and other community leaders.

Although Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio has authority to enforce the law in cities within his county, politicians and activists are accusing him of grandstanding and racial profiling.

A total of 150 people – 73 of them illegal immigrants – were arrested by Arpaio's deputies in the raids on heavily Latino sections in late March and early April.

“I was upset. We did not request them here,” said Guadalupe Mayor Rebecca Jimenez, who alleged that the patrols were meant to raise Arpaio's profile for his re-election campaign this year.
Guadalupe, a community of about 6,000 people that relies on the sheriff's office for police protection, is taking steps to find another department to patrol its streets.

As for Phoenix, Mayor Phil Gordon said Arpaio should be concentrating on more pressing duties such as finding people with warrants against them, and he has asked for a federal civil rights investigation, complaining that the sheriff is singling out people who are “driving with a broken taillight or have brown skin.” The U.S. Justice Department declined to comment.

In Mesa, Arizona's third-largest city, the police chief has requested two days' notice of any sweeps Arpaio might conduct there, so his officers can be prepared for any unrest.

Arpaio has long had a reputation for in-your-face tactics. He's known for making jail inmates wear pink underwear, assigning them to old-style chain gangs and serving them green bologna sandwiches.

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