Quote Originally Posted by lkamunen View Post
hey you cock winders the "hawk" and "gaffer" you guys are so fuckin typical!!
yeah I'm one of the brothers who ditched that joke of an outfit called the army! Next time you guys post a comment and think you know what your talking about get your fuckin sources straight. First thing, the guy who wrote the article on us was an old fart who put shit in there just for the publicity. Half that shit we didn't say. If you guys think your so damn tuff with your little postings why don;t you come to my house personally. The army was a fuckiin joke and anyone who backs that shit up is dumber then my shit floating in the toilet. The majority of people that join are hopeless little retards who don't have any other chioce in life, so they stick it through. And eventually get there dumb ass demolished by an IED some jew put under there vehicle. who would fight for some old man named bush anyway. Sounds to me like you guys are the chickenshits. There aint many people who have the balls to leave even when they really have to. Some people just got more important shit to do then listen to a bunch of niggers in a round hat scream at them all day, and burn there asses off in the hot sun!! Yeah one more thing, the army don't pay shit!! I could work at micdonalds and make more money in one year!!! Fuck you!!
Wow aren't you the intelligent one..............here's a clue............... clean up your language........................ intelligent people can actually use words that are not classified as curse words.