Are you experiencing feelings of Anger & Blame?

Do you morally equate acts of PURPOSEFUL terrorist acts, with acts of defending israel, such as hunting down terrorists?

Do you believe israel, should not defend itself?,

Then you may be suffering from Israel Derangement Syndrome.

Take this new and only pill for israel derangement syndrome, common sense xl

With common sense xl, you'll be free of liberal brain washing, and emotional munipulation. Youre brain will swell, and grow, (please dont contact if your brain gets an erection OF KNOWLEDGE AND COMMON SENSE, lasting more then four hours

A British MP who experienced a kassam rocket attack first-hand took away a lesson that makes me wonder if his wife dons leather boots and whips:

An MP who last month came under Kassam rocket fire has said he believes the Israeli government needs such attacks on its citizens in order to justify its “ruthless” retaliation on Palestinian territories.

What does an AP writer do with the 2nd sentence of an article on the Hamas takeover of Gaza and execution of Fatah prisoners during a bloody civil war?

Bash Israel for accidentally killing civilians.....