Quote Originally Posted by rppearso View Post
Isent it convient that all of this came out as soon as he ran for president. The navy inspector general confirmed all the metals to be lagit and the navy seal rescued from the water confirmed kerrys story, it was the other swift boat veterans that said he was lying, and why wait 35 years until he runs for president why dident they speak up when the paper work was being done to get his metals. After reading up on this, I just think some military members have sand in there vagina becasue kerry is a democrat and anti-war which proves my point that regardless of prior service GI's with sand in there vagina wont give you the time of day if your opinion differs from theres which just makes them idiots and the fact that the swift boat veterans were given any credibility at all is sad. What this really boils down to is not his metals or actions but the fact that they were able to sensationalize some swift boat idiots testimony 35 year after the fact and hype it up just enough to sway the uneducated and lazy Americans vote. Its really the american peoples own fault we have bush.
I joined the swift boats.............