Hi there,
This a new place for me to blog. I want to share my Mac and Cheese.
My guy (rsr ) Says it is the best and I can cook for him anytime.
I love a man that tells you when he loves your cooking. It's sexy!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also my mac and cheese is so easy you don't want to make a box.

step one.
heat as much milk as you need for sause.
I make 3 cups of pasta, so used about 3 cups of milk ( I use 1% milk)
I added 1 container of Krafts - Extra Sharp Cheese Spread
2 cups of Sharp grated cheese
1 cup of Grated asaigo cheese
Heat stir and wait until cheese is melted. Should be enough cheese that the sauce is a bit thick. - it will not be real thick-

Have 3 cups of pasta cooked and waiting.
Mix into sauce add salt and pepper to taste and pour into
baking dish.

sprinkle top with grated cheeses

bake on 350 for 30 min or until top is toasty brown.
It comes out creamy and stays that way.
I like penia pasta the best, but it is up to you. be sure to cook the pasta
aldenta, so it doesn't get to soft for you. Personally I like my pasta cooked well. You judge for yourself