Ok, heres another way of looking at this.

Since the government has mandated that we have "inclusion" in the classroom we can no longer seperate the trouble makers from the non-trouble makers. what I am saying is when I was in school, if you were a disruption they removed you from class until you could "play nice with others". This in my opinion needs to happen more often.

We are so willing to give bad behaviour a pass if the offending student has a "condition", the diagnosis of Autism has been expanded to include so much more than it once did, that even if a child has the mildest form it is being used as an excuse for rude and sometimes abusive behaviour.

Everyone is soo quick to talk about the rights of the "problem" child but what about the rights of the other children who have to put up with his/her moods and tantrums in the class room. The teacher has to take time away from all the other students to deal with ONE. that my friends is NOT FAIR to the other students. If the child has a ligitmate condition than they would benefit from a smaller class setting with a teacher that specializes in "special education".

Now this being said I DO NOT AGREE with the way the teacher handled this, however we are not in their shoes or were we present for any of the classes that caused this teacher to reach this point, keep in mind 88% of the class was tired of his behaviour.