Often when debates discuss worst presidents Carter is mentioned, since I was of voting age starting with Nixon .... I always found the Reagan Administration to be the worst till now. (Bush Jr hands down is the worst.) The reason I labeled Reagan the worst was he started the decline of the middle class and reinvented the imperial, aka military, presidency. But Reagan didn't seem to grasp his flag waving would lead to the hubris that made war too easy for some. He did realize quickly his tax policies were voodoo economics. It was the background ideology that grew out of the decline of Russia, Granada, and a Gulf War with a foolish dictator that made so many in power so naive. So it is with interest I read other people's take on this same period and who is the worst. Full disclosure: I voted for Nixon.


"At home Nixon imposed wage and price controls, a purely socialistic intervention in the economy that bumbling Jimmy Carter never could have attempted. He created the Environmental Protection Agency and Occupational Health and Safety Administration, two assaults on liberty that to this day create anti-capitalist regulations that violate rights and hamper the economy. He expanded the welfare state, creating Supplemental Security Income and indexing Social Security to inflation. He created the Drug Enforcement Agency, probably the biggest move in America’s idiotic war on drugs.

But none of these evils is Nixon’s worst moment. He is responsible for the single most destructive act in the history of the American presidency, an act that has destroyed more wealth and worsened more lives than anything before or since. In 1971, as Wikipedia puts it, he “eradicated the last remnants of the gold standard.” This created the inflation crises of the 1970’s and affects us with “moderate” inflation to this day. The high interest rates that Republicans blame Carter for are actually the result of Nixon’s policies."