You can't make this stuff up. The next 4 months is going to be fun

It is a matter of time before the Obama followers blame Fox News

Jackson apologizes for Obama remarks

Rev. Jesse Jackson formally apologized to Sen. Barack Obama today for disparaging comments he made during a recent off-air moment following an interview expected to air this evening on Fox News.

"If in this this thing that I've said in a hot mic statement that's interpreted as distraction, I offer apologies for that because I don't want to harm or hurt to come to this campaign," Jackson said at a news conference inside his Rainbow/PUSH Coalition headquarters on Chicago's South Side. "It represents too much of the dreams of so many who've paid such great prices."

Jackson said he did not want his remarks, still not fully known, to distract from the Illinois Democrat's presidential bid. "I hope what we've done in this situation does not distract from that message," he said.

Fox has begun to release excerpts of the video, including one where Jackson whispers that Obama is "talking down to black people." It is also believed that Jackson at one point talks about Obama having part of his male anatomy "cut off."

Whatever he said, Jackson said he remains committed to trying to help Obama win. "What I want to get clear is my support for Barack and his policies are long-standing, broad-based and deep and unequivocal," he said.