Libertarians seem to be everywhere, celebrities, business folks and regular ol people like you and me. The problem is they are not in power.

Wouldn't it be nice to have a country that centered it's core belief on the fact that each person is soverign and free.

A country where each person was EQUAL.

A country where................

You are free to raise your children by your own values, not those who had enough money to buy their way in to deciding for you what was best.

You have the right to privacy. Where you are not exposed to politicians and bureaucrats who think the "greater good" gives them the right to enter your home, stop your car or snoop into your bank records.

You get to keep most of the money you earn, where you know you pay what everybody else pays (flat tax) or user fees, that you have the same chances as anyone else to succeed and aren't held back because you are a little smarter or harder working than another person.

Where you don't have 15% of your income taken from you and placed into a boggus SS acct that won't pay you a damn dime when you retire because the money is being raped by our overspending government as we speak and you know it!

Where you can buy what you want, sell what you want with out the government overseeing it.

Where the very small federal government will respect all 10 articles of the Bill of rights and not just the ones that have no elasticity in which they infringe themselves into your life and control how it applies to certain people based on a voting block.

Where you don't have to worry that your son or daughter will grow to get killed on foriegn soil fighting in a war they have no damn business being involved in. Libertarians believe we should mind our own business and defend the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA with an all volunteer military located in the United States of America.

Where for far less than the price of the tax you pay, you could enroll your child in the school of your choice. One that is run much more effieciently and educates your child with dignity. Replacing one parties education plan with another every 4 or 8 years is not making things better. Private education IS better. (Is it not Kathy)

Where you can spend your money any way you see fit and be in charge of your own retirement account. Private Investment will boom, money will make money, America will prosper and lead the world in trade.

Wouldn't you really rather live in a country governed by individual liberty and personal responsibility than one controlled by the likes of Teddy Kennedy, John Kerry, Barrack Obama, Harry Reid, George Bush and the rest of the folks that have screwed up our country.

I think each and every one of you probably realizes in their heart that a Libertarian form of small government would be better but you are afraid. You are afraid like a wife who has been beaten is afraid to leave her husband. She knows she probably can't go on forever but she fears him, like you fear this government. Ask any woman who ever left if she eventually was happier for it though and see what she says.

VOTE LIBERTARIAN PEOPLE before it is too late and we live in a Socialist rule of law. Get educated, stop being vindictive and looking for reasons to support the old way that you know damn well does not work. Read the Constitution, just read it and tell me that it was written by a philosophy of anything closely regarding today's two political parties. Read it!!! Read it out loud to your children and watch their reaction.

As soon as you compromise absolute liberty in any way by trying to control people's lives, tell them what is good for them, snoop in their business, regulate their affairs or control what they can do and where they can go, you lose!

Just imagine the feeling of elation in this country when the day after an election, Libertarians recieve a healthy vote count. Just imagine tuning into CNN to watch the comedy (and it would be comedy folks) of them trying to explain why Americans want their liberty back.

What in the hell is wrong with us that we don't see this obviously clear picture?

I'm ready, bring it on! (I notice I can't seem to get alot of argument out of this board concerning this issue. Could this be an obvious indicator that you all know that I am absolutely right?)