The bug-eyed hippy is at it again

Could her gibberish be as result of Bush lifting the executive ban on oil drilling, thereby putting the pressure squarely on her shoulders to get off her duff and actually promote legislation to start drilling? Afterall, wasn't it Pelosi who had the "plan" to bring oil prices down?

And what have Dems accomplished in the 2 years they had had Congress?

Besides caving to pres Bush on several issues - I cant think of any

Pelosi: Bush a 'total failure'

WASHINGTON, July 17 (UPI) -- House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Thursday told CNN U.S. President George W. Bush is "a total failure" who is in no position to criticize Congress.

The California Democrat said Congress' low approval rating is a consequence of its inability to end the Iraq War and said she also disapproves of Congress' performance on the war.

Two days after Bush criticized Congress for lack of action, Pelosi told CNN the president needed "something to talk about because he has no ideas."

"God bless him, bless his heart, president of the United States -- a total failure, losing all credibility with the American people on the economy, on the war, on energy, you name the subject," she said.

Asked about a Gallup poll indicating public approval of Congress at 14 percent, its lowest level since the organization began polling the question 30 years ago, Pelosi said the public was expressing disapproval on the Iraq war.