Lebanon Daily News

Who is the puppetmaster? Who’s pulling the strings?
In six weeks, the Democrat Party, a political party which likes to call itself “the party of the people,” is expected to officially place in nomination the name of Barrack Hussein Obama as its candidate for the presidency of the United States.

The question waiting to be answered is who Barrack Hussein Obama really is.

Based on what has happened since he began his presidential campaign after having served in national office for a stunning 143 days, that identity is beginning to be established.

Although Sen. Obama appears to be an articulate, physically appealing, apparently educated man, he has, throughout the campaign, demonstrated that he is little more than a vacuous political functionary best served by following carefully scripted speeches and appearances, a man unable to think on his feet, a man unable to understand the scope of the position he seeks, a man with no demonstrable leadership skills and, given the didacticism of his elitist pronouncements, surprisingly unintelligent.


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