The probable owners of our federal government this fall have hit a slight snag in their plan for a 'green' convention. After strict demands for organic only foods and strict dress codes involving only environmentally safe products, you'd think the Democrats would check out their carbon credit spending, but that would be assuming Democrats would do anything resembling follow up when their MO for years has been to throw some money at the problem and call it solved. It seems as though the windmill being they funded to offset the 'carbon footprint' of the convention has a *slight* problem. It doesn't generate any electricity. The thing breaks so much that the little power it does produce isn't enough to actually get it on the grid. To make matters worse, the Rocky Mountain News is in full-blown denial mode. The blades on the thing don't turn very fast or very often, yet they continue to claim it provides 20% of the city's power and has brought in thousands of dollars for the city's school district.