How does this country hire a person like this in one of the most dangerous but well equipped anti-terror institutions in America? The man has been known about for YEARS!!!!!!!! Who kept him in such a position?!?!??!?!?!?!

Source: SF Gate

Bruce E. Ivins, the late microbiologist suspected in the 2001 anthrax attacks, told his psychotherapist after learning he was about to be indicted that "he was going to go out in a blaze of glory, that he was going to take everybody out with him," she said.

Social worker Jean C. Duley also said Ivins left her a telephone message in mid-July, after she had alerted police to his threats, telling her that that her actions had made it possible for the FBI "to now be able to prosecute him for the murders."..........

"As far back as the year 2000, the respondent has actually attempted to murder several other people, either through poisoning ... He is a revenge killer. When he feels that he's been slighted or has had — especially toward women — he plots and actually tries to carry out revenge killings," Duley said.

She added that Ivins "has been forensically diagnosed by several top psychiatrists as a sociopathic, homicidal killer. I have that in evidence. And through my working with him, I also believe that to be very true."............


I find it absolutely incredible that it has taken all these years to investigate this clearly insane person. Or, maybe they didn't think he was "too" crazy? Maybe there are more even nuttier than him? Scary!!!!!!!!!