Quote Originally Posted by manfrommaine View Post
no...Gunny was bullshitting about the costs and manpower...now you wanna join him in the tapdance?

He clearly and unambigously stated that Saddam had tied up over 25% of our military. Now...do you wanna disagree with that statement or do you wanna keep his "package" warm?
Tapdancing, huh? For a literalist, you really suck at your own game. I did not state Saddam tied up over 25% of our military, nor did I state he tied up 25% of our budget. Is there some reason you feel the need to embelish my words?

I took a stab in the dark at the pecentage. Big deal. You're resting your whole bullshit argument on that, and the fact that agreements for defense of our allies are everything but treaties in name. Neither of which are really all that relevant to the argument. You have continually tried since to keep the argument about me rather than the issue even though I went to the trouble to clarify my statements.

If you don't like it, tough shit. I'm not addressing it again. And I'm just wondering how someone who could attain the rank required to stay in the US military for 25 years could be such a petty fuck.