The left has an uncontrolled intense hate for Pres Bush. Conservatives has a huge disappointment in him.

No matter what, Pres Bush has done what he believed what is best and has not relied on polls to make his decisions

EDITORIAL: Bush isn't the bad guy

Thursday, August 7, 2008

The popularity of a president is notoriously fickle. Put your stock in polling and you can get a good sense of how the general public feels about the nation's 43rd president right now. But is he really the boogeyman he has been portrayed to be? The arbiter of all things evil and wrong with our country? Is there nothing good to his credit? History will be the ultimate judge, but we would argue that despite the "all-time low" ranking, it is not reflective of what this "unpopular" president has really accomplished during his eight-year presidency. Furthermore, politicians on the right and left who continue to capitalize on the president's mistakes for political fodder could do so to their detriment.

For a little perspective, consider that Mr. Bush had very high poll ratings (80 percent to 90 percent) throughout his first term. This is a president who inherited a recession, was rocked by corporate scandal, led in the midst of the worst terrorist attack on our nation and went to war. He also grew the economy, reduced unemployment to still record-levels, increased literacy rates, grew minority homeownership and small businesses, kept terrorists at bay, toppled a sadistic regime and reformed Medicare.

In 2004, Mr. Bush was re-elected with a 50.7 percent vote margin, including the support of 95 percent to 98 percent of the Republican electorate. He was determined to "spend his political capital."

Love him or hate him, he's been decisive and principled.

Today, the Democrats (including Barack Obama) bandy the word "Bush" as the worst insult one can receive (particularly when insisting a McCain presidency would be "a third Bush term.") It is almost understandable that Democrats would seize on the opportunity, but their visceral disdain couldn't be more smug, condescending and out of the realm of decency: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid called President Bush "incompetent" and a "liar"; and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi recently called the president "a total failure."It seems there is absolutely no shame and no limit to cutting down a sitting president