Just thinking about the recent flip-flops, twists and turns that Obama is displying. Which got me thinking...would it be better for the Dems to lose the up and coming election?

It has to be said that Obama has come out of nowhere, very little was known of him, yet he has had a meteoric rise to fame, the problem being that to win the dem nomination all obama had to do was use rhetoric, and give powerful and emotive speeches about change (which he did with incredible ease, and hence dismantled the Clinton campain). but now comes the real challenge, were rhetoric must be heavly backed up with substance.

I know it is still very early days, but Obama seems to be losing ground by the day (now i do realise this is a heavily conservitive forum, and so obama slurs are expected to outnumber the McCain slurs, yet the liberal posters are rarly every able to make a full blown attack on McCain in the same way the Cons can about Obama.) As has been stated Obama is never really sure where he is on a policy, which is not what you want to hear with ellections on the horizon.

My fear is that Obama will be voted in, and -to put it bluntly- will fuck it up. This leaves the Cons with an already steady base to launch into 2012 and beyond as it will be 'remember what happened when the dems got in last time'. Are the dems going to rip there reputation apart by putting all there eggs into such an uncertain basket? I think it is foolish to do so.

So while it may sound odd coming from a liberal, i hope that McCain wins and the Dems sort their act out and prepare for 2012.