McCain Gurgles in the Slime By Ishmael Reed

"McCain campaign manager, Rick Davis, in a television performance, which, if he were a woman, would be called strident, or a black man, angry, faced down a cowed Andrea Mitchell after she questioned him about a McCain ad that even offended the Time’s gentle Bob Hebert. Herbert wrote: ”Now, from the hapless but increasingly venomous McCain campaign, comes the slimy Britney Spears and Paris Hilton ad. The two highly sexualized women (both notorious for displaying themselves to the paparazzi while not wearing underwear) are shown briefly and incongruously at the beginning of a commercial critical of Mr. Obama...."

"...Rachel Maddow, the brightest of the on air commentators, David Gergen and Ron Brownstein deciphered the racist codes of Davis’s recent appeals, for example, that Obama was “presumptuous, ”while black on- camera puppets of the far right denied that this was the case. They all seemed to be employers of Rev. Sun Moon, one of whom was used to frame the discussion on Jonathan Klein’s sinister attempt at gaining ratings, the sleazy infotainment spectacular, “Black In America, ”replete with the sort of images of blacks CNN runs each day: criminals, addicts, sexual predators ( especially when the victims are white women) and the stragglers of American society, only this time dignified with panels- a carnival of charismatics- who competed with each other for applause lines. Klein, America’s Julius Streicher and Davis probably think that their values are superior to Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan’s family’s...."