Hillary? Who knows?


August 20th, 2008 7:19 am
Sulli-vating, buyer’s remorse and Dracula remakes
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I have little to add to ...Sullivan and the MSM are in the midst of buyer’s remorse regarding the shallow Obama and desperate to find a way out or some justification. Via Glenn, I have discovered even the most soddenly conventional of all MSM purveyors of conventional wisdom - David Gergen - is sounding alarms. And now Zogby is reporting a five-point McCain lead in the summer (when the Dems have almost always been way ahead… hello, Hillary?) Sullivan - the conformist masking as a rebel - rushes to the fore like a refugee from a Vampire movie with his cross silliness. Opera bouffe, I suppose....
Links at both sites.


Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Sullyboating, Swiftboating, sandals, sticks, stickage, and strawberries.
Sullyboating. It's not Swiftboating....