At the so called "conservatives" on the board who are reacting with glee at the VP pick of Johnny Lib......LOL! Johnny Lib will still be Johnny Lib , hell he could bring back Ronnie Reagan as his vp candidate and McCain will still be a lib.

Here's a piece of news y'all might've missed...............THE VICE PRESIDENT DOES NOT MEAN SHIT, its a useless office with zero meaning.

We are still left with two ultra libs as the presidential candidates without a rice paper's width of difference between the two on the issues, oh sure ol' Johnny Lib is talking a good conservative game right now because he sorely needs the votes but you know if hell freezes over and he gets elected he'll jump right in bed with the congressional Demos first chance he gets and go right back to the McCain/Feingold free speech hating bastard he has always been.

At least with Osama he tells you to your face that is what he's going to do.

Don't give me this shit about fighting terrorists either......................OBL still roams free.

I wonder if y'all realize just how fucked we really are this time around or if the reality of the situation is too hard to come to grips with? NEITHER CANDIDATE HAS WHAT IT TAKES TO ASSUME THE OFFICE.