The Atlantic apologizes for choice of photographer and her site. Really nonsense, the Atlantic knew her politics, which meshed with their own. What they probably didn't recognize, she is an 'artiste' with the lack of control most take as a given. She went well over the shark, in fact, she left the pool:

Atlantic Monthly Editor to Offer Apology to McCain for Photog’s Doctored Pics
Monday, September 15, 2008

Freelance photographer Jill Greenberg took photos of John McCain for The Atlantic Monthly but then doctored them for her own Web site.

The editor of The Atlantic Monthly said Monday he is sending a letter of apology to John McCain after a woman the magazine hired to photograph the Republican presidential nominee posted manipulated pictures from the photo shoot on her Web site.

Photographer Jill Greenberg, who is vehemently anti-Republican and expressed glee that the photos would stir up conservative ire, took pictures of McCain for the cover of The Atlantic’s October issue.

During the shoot, she took several other backlit pictures, which she then doctored and posted to her site. In one photo, she added blood oozing from McCain’s shark-toothed mouth and labeled it with the caption “I am a bloodthirsty warmongerer.” In another, a caption over McCain’s head says, “I will have my girl kill Roe v. Wade,” an obvious reference to his running mate Sarah Palin’s anti-abortion positions.

Editor James Bennet said Greenberg behaved improperly and will not be paid for the session. He said the magazine is also considering a lawsuit....