Quote Originally Posted by Psychoblues View Post
So, cases involving simply the Governor of Alaska aren't "high profile" enough for you, yuk?

Only when the Governor got shoved down the throat of John McCain to be his running mate and information contained therein might become unflattering to the selectee, the statements of the selectee have been admonished from public display and the request of the arbitor for immediate relief do indeed qualify as unusual treatment of otherwise public information. There was no request for such relief when she was only the Governor of the smallest in population state of the Union but somehow the selection of her for potential USVP didn't change anything?

You gotta be kidding?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!??!?

you are a sexist, your obsession regarding palin is unhealthy. talk to your friend MFM about your obsession. he has all your answers.