Quote Originally Posted by dirt mcgirt View Post

LMAO. Whatever. If you choose to put the cart before the horse, go ahead. It's clear that I didn't spend all day yesterday complaining about yesterday.

Was there some part of that simple English you didn't understand?

Deflecting my tongue in cheek humor by trying to twist my calling someone a basher into a racist is most certainly a dishonest ploy. The word racist never entered my posts or anyone else's not named Gunny who's posted in this thread. Lighten up. You (especially) don't need to play semantics police when you just got done tapdancing around a comment you made that 25% of our military and budgeting was tied up with Saddam.
Feel free to show me where I accused you specifically of calling anyone a "racist." I did not. But if you want to play the same bullshit, dishonest game as the other nimrod. I'd suggest you check out the links I posted in the other thread before running your suck, jackass.