This is the extremist pro-gay agenda: forcing people to carry out business with people they don't care to, on moral grounds.

by Maria Mackay
Posted: Thursday, March 22, 2007, 9:53 (GMT)

An eleventh-hour attempt from a Conservative peer to overturn controversial gay rights regulations was last night defeated in the House of Lords.

The motion put forward by Baroness O’Cathain in objection to the Equality Act (Sexual Orientation) Regulations was defeated by 168 to 122 votes.

As the debate was taking place, around 1,000 Christians gathered outside the Houses of Parliament to take part in a prayer vigil organised by Christian Concern for Our Nation against the regulations.

Andrea Minichiello Williams, Public Policy Officer at the Lawyers’ Christian Fellowship, said the passing of the regulations marked “the imposition of a new morality”.

She said that ordinary Christians may now be sued if they refuse to provide a good or service to homosexuals on grounds of conscience.