Republican presidential candidate John McTraitor has to be livid at how the current administration has fucked up the American economy. Even McT's own running mate believe the country could be on the verge of a depression.
Spin it how you want, but the buck always stops at the top. Massive business bailouts and devastating failure in Iraq have sent American business into a massive tailspin. There is no guidance from the Oval Office, where they are treading water on the political Titanic with no hope of survival.
My husband's company works with some of the top business accounts in the country. He says this is one of the worst weeks anyone has ever seen. No one wants to invest. No one wants to take chances. Everyone has their hand out. They are all in line, waiting to be rescued by Daddy Bush.
John McBush is the heir apparent to the current mockery. He knows it. That is why he is suspending his campaign and hoping Obama does the same. McCain is laying on the ground, hoping Obama's people give him the "thumbs up" that would spare him from certain political death.

You almost feel sorry for McBush. He has to overcome the specter of a total inept former ally in the White House. Dubya has fucked the country over one time too many, causing a viral outbreak of economic AIDS that threatens to sicken everyone.
What a dumb fuck. He takes over a strong country and turns it into a filthy mess. Dubya's lasting legacy will be a walking political STD.