Reckon she was just pissed about the car seat inquiry? The testimony of her ol' man ain't helping!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Source: Boston Herald

ANCHORAGE, Alaska - Todd Palin talked with more than a dozen state officials, many of them repeatedly, in his crusade to get a state trooper fired who he considered to be a bad cop, a dishonest person and a threat to the Palin family, according to his sworn statement given Wednesday to a legislative investigator.

The 25-page statement from Gov. Sarah Palin’s husband, in response to questions submitted by the investigator, shows that Todd Palin’s efforts started before his wife became governor and accelerated during the first 19 months of her administration.

He also suggested there was bad blood between the governor and former Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan over two other matters:

• An inquiry from Monegan to the governor about whether she once failed to put her infant son Trig in a car seat while she was driving.

• The unavailability of a state trooper airplane for the governor’s use when traveling to the Alaska’s rural areas...................


The report is due out tomorrow. I saw the entire statement from Todd Palin posted somewhere. If I can find it again I'll try and post it for you!!!!!!!!!!